BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Anagenesis, Cladogenesis, Speciation

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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1940"s - mayer created concept of biological species. Species: group of organisms that can only reproduce w/ each other. Gradual transition line from one species to another. One group stays while another changes (splitting groups) Groups separated from each other but physically overlaps. Parapatric - nothing keeping them from each other and yet they"re still changing. Ex wolves and dogs - cannus lupus lupus and cannus lupus familiarus. Some develop colouration pattern - hiding in vegetation to survive. Still able to mate w/ each other. Hybrids barely survive (hybrids aren"t able to protect themselves) extinction/removal of popn or creation of new species. Became trapped in tops of mountain regions in world. Not able to reproduce (sperm & egg never meet up w/ each other) Sperm and eggs are able to identify the appropriate thing. Ex horse & donkey = mule not sterile. Henig - came up with a way of describing the world (incl. insects)