BIO 1109 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Microcephaly, Acute Radiation Syndrome, Burn

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Radiation: all around us, cannot escape or control. It is a part of our planet: background radiation it is natural radioactivity in the earth and by cosmic rays from outerspace. It can lead to mutation but does not usually cause harm to humans: manmade radiation cause by electronic products and is harmful to the human health. Ionized high energy (cosmic, gamma rays, etc); it has short wavelengths. However, there is enough energy to break down chemical bonds and can harm our body: non ionized low energy (tv, microwaves, etc); it has long wavelengths. There is not enough energy to rearrange chemical arrangement. The affects it has on human health is still debated by scientists. How does ionized radiation cause health effects: radioactive material that decay spontaneously producing ionizing radiation, strip away electrons from atoms, break some chemical bonds, alpha, beta particles, gamma and x-rays (differ in the amount of energy they have)