CHEM120L Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Lab Report

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Document Summary

Can be typed or hand written in ink, single sided. Report sheets and a data sheet neatly written in ink. If calculations are done, a sample calculation must be provided. If more room is needed for calculations, include a separate piece of paper. These reports are due at the end of the lab period in which the experiment was performed. Contains only one portion of a formal lab report ex. The rest is the same as a formal lab report, except; they are due at the beginning on the next lab day (allowing two weeks for completion) Marks are deducted for reports written in pencil, or with white out. Cover page ~ title, relevant info (name, date, partners name, section #, etc. ) Introduction and/or purpose ~ background material, summarize theory, purpose. Experimental procedure ~ if the lab manual was followed, if something was done differently (if applicable) Experimental observations ~ personal observations and data.