CHEM 2400H Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Mount Everest, Xanthophyll, Elution

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30 Jun 2017

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The spinach analyte settled at the top of the of the alumina layer when 100%hexane was added. This helps form the beta-carotene below the green band as well as separate xanthophyll and chlorophyll a. The layer on top of the alumina was a light green color. The green started to show just below the sand level with an orange-yellow band starting to form under the green. By adding the 90:10 hexane:acetone the elution of beta-carotene down the column happens. The beta-carotene starts to go more orange but then ended up disappearing as it was eluted. The beta-carotene was collected in a vial once it reached the bottom of the stopcock. The color that was collected was a transparent yellow-orange. The adding of the 90:10 hexane:acetone eluted the chlorophyll a and xanthophyll down the column. This formed a greenish-blue band and a yellow band in the column. Chlorophyll b was also observed remained at the top of the column.