BIO 215 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Adverse Drug Reaction, Microbiology, Human Microbiota

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27 Jan 2017

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Pasteurization is often used in the food industry. This is done now for 15 seconds at 72 degrees c. htst : high temperature st. One criticism is that it"s not natural so it changes the food in a negative way. Taste isn"t always affected; the most important thing is that pathogenic organisms are destroyed for safety. Non-pasteurized milk is used for making cheese, which has been shown to cause debate between safety and taste. Uv radiation has no residual affects, unlike chemical radiation. You need a long storage period due to time it takes to receive products from supplier, this is why radiation is used. Cold sterilization, used for heat sensitive materials (plastics) Ionizing radiation has multiple effects: main ones being ionizing of water and inducing mutations. Some endospores are not affected; this is due to a poor penetrating agent. It is a poor sterilizing agent, simply used to disinfect air and surfaces of surgical rooms.