CHEM 1A03 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: State Function, Cellular Respiration, Exothermic Process

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CHEM 1A03 Full Course Notes
CHEM 1A03 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Chemical reaction between a fuel and an oxidant. Reactions we are familiar with, oxidant is oxygen and products are carbon dioxide and water. Two types of combustion reactions: rapid combustions. Use: heating with fuels like methane, oil or other fossil fuels: slow combustion. Sugars are converted into starch, protein or fat, eat them from fruits or. Light energy -> food or chemical energy. Burning starch, protein, fat, or fossil fuels liberate energy = exothermic h mol-1 vegetables. System fairly arbitrary, define to best suit situation. Surroundings anything not part of the system. Three different types of systems: open system both material and energy can exchange between system and surroundings. Energy can escape as heat, liquid can evaporate: closed system energy can exchange, but material cannot. Energy usually in form as heat: isolated system neither material or energy can exchange. Can take different forms potential and kinetic.