CHEM 183 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Salicin, Scurvy, William Withering

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CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
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So, the bezoar stone is a stone that was believed to be magical. It was supposed to prevent you from poisoning if you swallowed it. Scurvy was a disease caused by vitamin c deficiency. James lind did a clinical trial where he discovered that giving sailors citrus made them recover from scurvy. Then we looked at william withering who also did a clinical trial by testing foxglove on some patients but not on others. He found that only the patients treated with foxglove healed. A case report is when we examine an episode experienced by one single individual in depth. This is when we first look at a substance in the lab to see if it has potential for efficacy and we then test it on animals to see if it is safe. A cross sectional study is when researchers make an observation at a single point in time.