CHEM 183 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Methylphenidate, Naproxen, Dementia

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CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
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Canada - 5,000 drugs available, 2014 market is about . 8 billion, 600 million prescriptions written, from where do we get our prescription drugs, plants: Colchicine: flower: used for gout treatment: vincristine: flower: cancer, antibiotics: look for different antibacterial agents, streptomyces aureofaciens (antibacterial activity) Then you have to find the active substances. Then you look at the structure of the chemical and you manipulate it: becomes a semi-synthetic antibiotic, you want to market it: give it a name, acute toxicity (test for it) ld50, lethal dose 50. Tetracycline: better name that represents structure: generic name. Thalidomide: birth defects, teratogenic effects: wasn"t tested on pregnant animals, dr. frances kelsey: mcgill (didn"t think it was safe) xi. xii. Tested on different animals for effectiveness / side effects. 20-100 healthy individuals (paid), students: phase ii. 100-300 patients: phase iii, up to 20,000 patients, viox: only when many people used it side effects came up, crossover double-blind study, nuremberg code.