CHEM 183 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Thyroid, Premenstrual Syndrome, Goitrogen

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CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
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Endocrine disorders hormone imbalance: multiple endocrine neoplasia, hormonal disturbance, side effects. Visual problems (pituitary: addison"s disease - adrenal gland atrophy (hypoadrenal, side effects. Weakness: cushing"s disease (hyper adrenal, excess production of adrenal hormones, pituitary problems, gigantism. Short lifespan due to heart not capable providing nutrients: short stature. Medical condition that results in an adult height of 4"10 or shorter: acromegaly. Disproportioned chest: cabbage goiter (rare, excessive intake of cabbage that contains goitrogens which interfere the growth of tg, cretinism, born with low levels of thyroid hormones. Due to lack of iodine in diet of mothers. Most likely develop in the developed countries: side effects. Physical and mental impairments: hyperthyrodism grave"s disease, excess thyroid hormone production, side effects. Protruding eyes (grave"s: lack of thyroid production hormones; most likely due to lack of iodine in the diet, side effects. Enlargement of thyroid gland: osteoporosis, lack of calcium in the bone, premenstrual syndrome.