BIO 106 Chapter Notes - Chapter 19: Tunica Intima, Simple Squamous Epithelium, Elastic Fiber

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15 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Chapter 19 blood vessels: major types of blood vessels: Arterial system: holds 15% of blood in the body. They are very elastic, like stretching a thick rubber band, they would recoil right back. They are large arteries that move blood along to maintain pressure. They are elastic, and increase in smooth muscle layers. They can control the radius (which has a major shift of flow rate and the distribution of blood inverse). Resistance is high because it is very thin. It can contract and help control where the blood goes. They are thin blood vessels found in the tissues for gas exchanges, holds 5% of the blood in the body. Arteriovenous anastomosis: bypass (anastomosis = connection) between artery and vein, bypassing the capillaries/tissues. Venous system: holds 60% of the blood in the body, because they expand in size used for a lot of storage. Postcapillary venule: collect blood coming from the capillaries sends blood to small veins.