BIO 124 Chapter Notes - Chapter 10: Cladistics, Oviraptor, Paraphyly

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Phylogeny: evoluionary history of species or a group of species. Binomial: 2 part scieniic name with irst past capitalized, second part lower case, enire thing is italicized, needs to be lainized with a lain ending. First part is to which genus it belongs, second part is speciic to species. Hierachial classiicaion: any of these levels is a taxon o o o o o o o o. Phylogeneic tree: shows the branching patern of how some classiied organisms it in within other groups of organisms according to hypothesized evoluionary relaionships o o o o o. Dichotomies: two way branch point that represents divergence. Sister taxa: group of organisms that share an immediate common ancestor and therefore are each others closest relaive. When a phylogeneic tree is rooted: some point in the tree shows most recent ancestor of all taxa of the tree (all the way to the let of the tree) Basal taxon: one that diverged early in history.