BIO304H5 Chapter 12-13: BIO304H5 Chapter 12-1: BIO304H5 Chapter 12-: Bio304 lec 12 and 13

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9 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Thin piece of paper more charges more voltage. Axon tube of membrane with a capacitor that can carry stuff. Some charges will leak out through leak channels. Equation 2 parts: membrane resistance, no leak channels no way for leak channels for go through so increase of resistance. If there are more leak channels less resistance. Increase the radius of axon decrease membrane resistance. Another physical property the axial resistance physical property of the cytoplasm which is the conductor. Dimensions of axon: increase radius decrease surface area reduce the axial resistance, push charges to a tube a wider tube conducts better less resistance. Increase the radii increase the surface area increase the capacitance. Shoot charges in axon the membrane will eat those charges up so harder to get those charges to the end. Use these properties toe explain why axon with big radii generate axon potential much faster.