BIO304H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Circuit Diagram, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin, Andrew Huxley

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8 Feb 2019

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Vmat rest can be defined by the ghk equation: the k+gradient and ekwins because it has the larger conductance (gk>>gna), the cell membrane is packed with leak k+channels (called 2-pore. Addition of positive charges (na+) by the enabattery onto the inner leaflet of the membrane makes vmmore positive: addition of positive charges (k+) by the ekbattery onto the outer leaflet of the membrane makes vmmore negative. The enabattery will continuously charge vmuntil it has an equal and opposite voltage (i. e. vm= ena: current flow from the enabattery onto the vmcapacitor requires a conductance: gna(na+leak channels) conductance: gna(na+leak channels) Similarly, the ekbattery will continuously charge vmuntil it has an equal and opposite voltage (i. e. vm= ek: current flow from the ekbattery onto the vmcapacitor requires a conductance: gk(k+leak channels) It has at least one battery, one resistor (r) and one capacitor (c: also note that gnaand gkat rest are defined by the population of.