MHR 523 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Paq, Reasonable Accommodation, Industrial Engineering

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Organization consists of one or more employees who perform various tasks. Organizational structure: the formal relationships among jobs in an organization. Organization chart: a snapshot of the firm, depicting the organization"s structure in chart form at a particular point in time. Designing an organization involves choosing a structure that is appropriate given the company"s strategic goals. Bureaucratic structure: (p. 85: top-down management approach, many levels and hierarchical communication channels and career paths, highlight specialized jobs with narrowly defined job descriptions, focus on independent performance. Flat structure: decentralized management approach, few levels and multi-directional communication, broadly defined jobs with general job descriptions, emphasis on teams and on product development. Matric structure: each job has two components: functional and product, finance personnel for product b are responsible to both the finance executive and the product b executive. Job design the process of systematically organizing work into tasks that are required to perform a specific job.