BIO2231 Chapter Notes -Monogenea, Turbellaria, Syncytium

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Classification of phylum platyhelminthes: no clear defining feature, turbellarian flatworms are mostly free-living; classes monogenea, Platyhelminthes are divided in 4 classes: turbellaria, trematoda, monogenea and cestoda. Class turbellaria contains the free-living flatworms, along with some symbiotic and parasitic forms. Most turbellarians are bottom dwellers in marine or freshwater, living under stones or other hard objects. All members of classes monogenea, trematoda (flukes), and cestoda (tapeworms) are parasitic. Most monogenea are ectoparasites, but all trematodes and cestodes are endoparasitic. Many species have indirect life cycles with more than one host; the first host is often an invertebrate, and the final host is usually a vertebrate. Humans serve as hosts for a number of species. Most turbellarians have a cellular, ciliated epidermis resting on a basement membrane. It contains rod-shaped rhadites, which swell and form a protective mucous sheath around the body when discharged with water. Single-cell mucous glands open on the surface of the epidermis.