[Psych 321] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (88 pages long!)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Disadvantages and advantages of cross-sectional design, cross-sequential design, and longitudinal design: Cross-sectional design: collect data at one time with people of different age groups. Longitudinal design: same age over a long period of time. Disadv: takes a lot of time, very expensive, testing effect, attrition. Adv: study change, estimate testing effect, multiple age groups, done in helf the time of longitudinal. Participant consent: can"t give permission under 18 in missouri. But, the child must want to do it and know exactly what is going to happen. **research question"s importance can wave ethics of experiment. Scientific method: objectivity, anonymity, asking questions, communicate research results. We live in a system: one part is effected, so are others. Ex: bullied at school, acts differently at home. Artificial pregnancies: carrying too many babies carries major risks. Each about same size and shape within pair. Sex chromosomes: x and y or x and x (male or female)