L33 Psych 100B Study Guide - Final Guide: Joseph Wolpe, Systematic Desensitization, Operant Conditioning Chamber

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The lasting legacy of watson"s research: understanding of phobias, systematic desensitization (joseph wolpe, 1997) Shown to be effective in minimizing phobic reactions. Slowly show/interact with your fear (spiders fake into real ones) Works pretty well most of the time small stimulus and then work all the way up. Classical conditioning and advertisements: sex/sexual imagery (ucs) -> pleasure (ucr, product (cs) -> pleasure (cr) Classical conditioning must involve some sort of reflex; operant does not. Timing of conditioning before behavior for classical; after behavior for operant. Operant conditioning: first formal model developed by thorndike. Cat escape puzzle box to get food faster throughout learning with motivation. First trial most likely scratch at bars; after many trials most likely press lever. If an action brings rewards, he believes that it stays in the subject"s mind. Pleasure principle: operant conditioning matrix (increase/decrease behavior vs. postive/negative)