Psych 100B- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 18 pages long!)

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Study of the mind and of behaviour. Structuralism and functionalism not mutually exclusive. Breaking things down into their individual parts and seeing how they function together in terms of behaviour the (cid:1441)structuralist(cid:1442) approach. William james founder of functionalism, author of the principles of psychology. Influenced by charles darwin and evolutionary theory, through the lens of evolutionary psychology. The adaptation of brain processes, must be related to evolution as they. Condemn the use of subjective experiences when it comes to the science of psychology. Sigmund freud direct reaction to the behaviourists. These are two schools of thought that are so fundamentally different. The cause of psychological problems repression of traumatic events. Gathering research (evidence/data) to test a hypothesis. We can never be sure how an experiment will come out, predictions are not always correct. No manipulation describing what is happening. Naturalistic observations (do not need informed consent for this type of data gathering) Observing behaviour pertaining to a certain question.