L48 Anthro 150A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gregor Mendel, Blending Inheritance, Allele Frequency

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10 Oct 2018

Document Summary

Anthropology: science that investigates human biological and cultural variation and evolution. Intelligence, reasoning, complex thoughts, emotions, symbolic thought: tool use, language, large brains, sweating (thermoregulation, bipedal (walks on two legs, enhanced manual dexterity. 8/29 history and principles of evolutionary biology i: natural selection. Religion: two different mindsets or ways of viewing the world: religions 2 popular thoughts that challenge evolution, fixity of species: the idea that species were created by a deity to be in the form that they are. They are unchanging and perfect the way they are. Species did not change over time: short history of the world: the world was created not long ago, and so history is short, thus there has not been enough time for evolution to have taken place. 8/31 history and principles of evolutionary biology ii: mendelian genetics. Rr or rr: heterozygous: 2 different alleles in the same gene (ex.