PSY 151 Study Guide - Final Guide: Retina, Role Theory, Trichromacy

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Review information -- things to know and understand for exam i. Empiricism belief of senses as source of all knowledge. Knowledge of something you can see and measure and observe. Dualism belief that body and mind are separate. Looking at the behavior of something based on the environment. Watson and skinner are two big names: skinner looked at mostly animal behavior. Psychoanalysis concern with abnormal behavior, unconscious motivation. How people can be the best that they can be. Everything needs to stay the same except for the independent variable. What you are measuring due to your independent variable dissociation, double dissociation. Random assignment, control condition, control of confounding variables. Correlational study characteristics, interpretation of correlation coefficient (r), positive vs. negative correlation; correlation and causality. How do neurons fire summarize action potential. Neurotransmitters and their functions (dopamine, glutamate, gaba, endorphins, acetylcholine, oxytocin, serotonin) mood. Methods for studying localization of function; how they work and advantages & disadvantages where relevant meninges.