PSCI 1024 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Direct Democracy, Gini Coefficient, Gross Domestic Product

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Definitions: liberal democracy: political power exercised either directly or indirectly through participation, competition, and liberties. Does not require a liberal ideology or political system. Modernization theory: as societies become more socially and economically sophisticated, they have a stronger desire for more control over the state which leads to democracy. Executive: carries out the laws and policies of the state. Two key roles: head of state (represents the people nationally and internationally) and head of government (running the state and implementing policies) ~ in some countries one person assumes each roll; in others one person handles both. Legislatures: in charge of writing and passing laws in a democracy. Constitutional court: ensures that the laws are compatible with the constitution; however, these courts may differ in their powers of judicial review. Romans emphasized republicanism and separation of powers; this laid the foundation for indirect democracy.