PSYC 304 Study Guide - Final Guide: Secondary Sex Characteristic, Pubic Hair, Personal Fable

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26 Apr 2020
Psych 304: Exam 3 Notes
CH 11: Adolescence (bio-cog)
Puberty changes due to increase in estrogen and testosterone
Primary sex characterisitcs: changes that allow reproduction
Girl- dev of ovaries, menarche ~ 11
Boy- development of sperm and spermarche
Secondary sex characteristic: changes that give physical characterisitc unrelated to
Girl- breast, pubic hair
Boy- pubic, shoulders, voice
The secular trend: menarche becoming earlier than 11, some as young as 7
Piaget’s Formal Operations
Changes in thinking: powers beyond the concrete
Abstractly- think about big picture and general concepts, “what is justice”;
thinking deepens
Idealistically- begin to think about perfect world, “ideal” lifestyle, (can contribute to
Logically- start to think scientifically, hypothetical and deductively; two trains
Egocentrism- piaget/elkind still see self-centered
Imaginary audience-belief everyone is watching
Personal fable- happens to others but not me
Kohlberg Moral Development
Moral development a stage process
Moves from vernal external to very internal
post-conventional→ few people get here
Universal ethical principles- what’s right for culture
Social norms- do what's right for conscience
Conventional - most people stay here
Law and order- do what's right for principles
Good boy/girl do what’s right for praise
Pre-conventional- most people get past this
Mutual benefit- do what's right for treats
Punishment and obedience- do what's right because of fear
CH 12: Psycho Social
Erikson’s 5th stage: identity vs. role confusion
Body: takes on an adult form and adult mind
Society: peers, parents, family, teacher, coaches, the law, bosses, etc do people treat
like adult
ID: seeing self as a unique person with meaningful role
Marcia: identity status= crisis and commitment
Diffusion: N/N apathetic, no direction
Foreclosure: N/Y have goal from others
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Moratorium: Y/N thinking but no decision
Achievement: Y/Y working hard!
Virtue: commitment (or fidelity)
Adolescent Problems
Sex identity, occupational identity, values identity
Drug use in childhood
Self reports suggest it is decreasing, yet first use between 13-16, 13 more likely
to have serious problems
Greatly affects the development of nondrug related coping skills
Long-term suicide reasons
Lack of friendships
Suicide by famiy member
Short-term reasons
A bad grade
Break up
Dropping out of highschool
4% total but disproportionate to ethnicity
18% latino, 10% black, 4% white
Economic reasons
Pregnancy or marriage
Eating disorders
Anorexia, bulimia, overeating
Teen pregnancy
US high pregnancy rate is very high
Abortion rights, contraception, sex education
Index (robbery, murder) vs. status offense→ underage
Families of delinquents often poor, don’t monitor children well, have
trouble using effective discipline
CH 14: Young Adulthood 20-40
Biological changes:
prime of one’s life, healthiest, most fit, adult body
Habits that likely kill you in this twenty years but might be problem by mid life
Drinking, smoking, lack of exercise, over eating
Accidents, homicides, suicides leading death
Heart attacks, cancers rare but do happen esp closer to 40,
Know what disorders run in family such as diabetes, stroke, to try to avoid issues
Cognitive Changes
Post formal changes (Piaget’s disciples)
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Document Summary

Puberty changes due to increase in estrogen and testosterone. Primary sex characterisitcs: changes that allow reproduction. Girl- dev of ovaries, menarche ~ 11. Secondary sex characteristic: changes that give physical characterisitc unrelated to reproduction. The secular trend: menarche becoming earlier than 11, some as young as 7. Changes in thinking: powers beyond the concrete. Abstractly- think about big picture and general concepts, what is justice ; thinking deepens. Idealistically- begin to think about perfect world, ideal lifestyle, (can contribute to unhappiness) Logically- start to think scientifically, hypothetical and deductively; two trains problem. Personal fable- happens to others but not me. Moves from vernal external to very internal. Universal ethical principles- what"s right for culture. Social norms- do what"s right for conscience. Law and order- do what"s right for principles. Good boy/girl do what"s right for praise. Mutual benefit- do what"s right for treats. Punishment and obedience- do what"s right because of fear. Erikson"s 5th stage: identity vs. role confusion.