PSYCH 449 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nonverbal Communication, Reward System, Risk-Seeking

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

**disclaimer: please note this document is aimed at helping you study and identify areas you definitely need to be familiar with. I have not omitted anything from this document on purpose or to be tricky , but there might be other material that isn"t covered here that shows up on the exam. Remember, anything we discussed in lecture and anything that is discussed in the assigned reading is fair game. This exam review sheet is not meant to be comprehensive; this is a guide to facilitate studying. High-context society: highly coded and implicit messages have to read. Low-context society: explicit messages, speaker says precisely what he or she between the lines: ex: japan, arab countries means, ex: us and canada, styles of communication, indirect vs. Are messages implicit or explicit: high-context: implicit and indirect messages; voice intonation, timing, facial expressions play important roles in conveying info, low-context: direct and explicit messages; people often meet only to accomplish objectives.