MUSIC 106 Study Guide - Final Guide: Imagic, Friar Laurence, Vltava

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*reaction to the emphasis on balance, simplicity, and form of classicism: emphasis on individual feeling, overt emotion. Cult of the individual and individual genius: time of political upheavals and revolutions. Formation of modern countries of germany and italy: emphasis on the macabre, on frightening, often supernatural subjects, a longing for the distant past, especially the middle ages. Romantic related to romance, romance languages are languages derived from the language of rome (latin). Late middle ages: roman a long poem, often telling tale of chivalry. Review of beethoven (1813): considers mozart to be a romantic composer. Music is the most romantic of the arts. Instrumental music is preferable because it communicates without the intermediary of words. Born in deseau, went to berlin with a letter of protection to follow his rabbi. Worked for the granting of citizenship and rights to the jews (happened in prussia in 1812) Should speak german, not yiddish, in every day interactions.