[PSYC 2150] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 14 pages long Study Guide!

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Classical conditioning vs. operant conditioning: classical presence of 1 stimulus (food) is conditional on the presence of another stimulus (bell) Limited and rare: operant animal generates response and response has consequences. Animal does an action first, and based on the action faces consequences. *** people to know watson, pavlov*** Basics of operant conditioning: edward thorndike. Cat wants to get out of box, pedal inside can open box if stepped on. Study shows amount of time cat uses to get out of the box decreases with each trial. Law of effect - responses which produce a pleasant or satisfying result in a certain situation are more likely to occur again in the situation. Likewise, responses with an unpleasant or annoying effect are less likely to be repeated: bf skinner. Skinner box pigeon in box, if it pecks the key the pigeon gets rewarded: shaping behavior reinforce animal for vaguely doing something for what it actually needs to do (standards eventually increase)