EVSC 1080 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Asthma

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Human activities have caused concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gasses to increase. Since 1750, carbon dioxide has increased by 31%, methane by 151%, and nitrous oxide by 17%. About 75% of the human activity emissions of co2 to the atmosphere during the last 20 years is from fossil fuel burning, deforestation, and other land-use changes. The greatest warming effect currently stems from co2 , followed by methane, halocarbons, and nitrous oxide. Environmental effects: enriching an ecosystem with chemical nutrients in freshwater and coastal ecosystems, contribution to acid rain, loss of biodiversity, creation of ground-level ozone, destruction of ozone in atmosphere, contribution to global warming. Resulting health effects: ozone pollution contributes to asthma and respiratory function, increased allergies due to increased pollen production, increased risk of cancer and other diseases from nitrate in drinking water. A lot more nr goes into the environment during food production than energy production. There are significant effects of nr accumulation within each reservoir (see below)