BIOL 3020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Rna Interference, Small Interfering Rna, Nissan L Engine

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= smallest evolutionarily independent unit: a species is a group that experiences an independent evolutionary trajectory: evolves without the being influenced by gene flow from other groups of individuals. Evolves without being influenced by gene flow from other groups of individuals. = consist of interbreeding populations that evolve independently of other populations. Speciation ~ lack of gene flow when populations are in contact with each other. Phenotypes are plastic (ex. earlobes can be stretched) Genetic differences that don"t show any phenotypic differences. These are best evidence that each species was not specially created. Morphospecies concept = morphological similarities and differences. Can make species definitions arbitrary and idiosyncratic. Not good for organisms with few measurable morphological characteristics (ex bacteria) Fossils - cannot use non-bone/other morphological characteristics. Polymorphisms (genetic polymorphisms, social castes (ex. queen bee, worker bee, etc); look differently but can be same. Genetic variations - ex. same species might appear different in different environments.