SOCI 352 Study Guide - Final Guide: High-Context And Low-Context Cultures, Johari Window, Storge

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The study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person. Categorical imperative- immanuel kant a command or obligation to act (an. Imperative) that is absolute ( categorical ) one with no exceptions or conditions. Morality is measured by our intentions to obey universal lawas of morality rather than by the consequences or outcomes of our actions even if they will spare another"s feelings or protect that person"s welfare. Proposes principles of justice or fairness include protection of those whose position in the society is the weakest. on the motives or rules that guided us in our choices behavior-duty and obligation. Greatest happiness principle- actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse happiness. Seek the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Three most common principles people use to make ethical decisions.