ANSC 220 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Paracrine Signalling, Peripheral Nervous System, Bradycardia

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5 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Identify, by name and general areas of the body which they drain, the three routes of blood flow into the right atrium of the heart. Cranial vena cava: drains the head, shoulders, forearms, and part of the thoracic inlet. Caudal vena cava: drains parts of the thoracic inlet and down. Diastole- when the heart is in a relaxed state. Associate a function with each given structure of the heart. List the three functions of the ventricular septum: separates the right side from the left side (keeps o2 poor blood from o2 rich blood, composed of cardiac muscle aids in contraction, houses the av bundle. The rate of heartbeat increases with the decrease in size of body. Correct the false questions so that they read true: give the seven factors that control patterns of physiology and be able to use these to explain differences which occur for a given pattern.