ANSC 220 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Polycythemia, Vitamin K, Vascular Resistance

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9 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Identify, by name and general areas of the body which they drain, the three routes of blood flow into the right atrium of the heart. Cranial and caudal vena cava flow into the right atrium bringing o2 poor blood from the body. The pulmonary artery flows out of the right ventricle bringing o2 poor blood to the lungs. List four functions of blood: transports nutrients from the digestive. Give the three functions of blood vessels and name a/the class of blood vessel(s) which are most closely associated with each of the three functions. First dilute the sample, 1 to 20, then put on a hemocytometer and clover slip. Count how many wbc are in the four corners and multiply by 50. Useful in determining whether or not the animal is fighting an infection. Percent pack cell volume is the formed elements divided by the total volume multiplied by 100.