BIOL 3322 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Radial Glial Cell, Neural Plate, Neural Tube

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14 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Embryonic cells have three layers (from outer to inner): ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm: induction process: chemical signal from mesoderm that induces development of neural plate. Neocortex has six layers when you migrate will determine which layer of cortex you"ll become: neural crest: structure just dorsal to neural tube. Used frogs, frogs axons regenerate, took some frogs and rotated eye of frog 180 degrees, then vision rotated 180 degrees. Thought it was a passive process necrosis: cells break off, spill contents into intercellular space, cause harmful inflammation. Triggers a genetic program inside the cell to actively commit suicide packages internal structures in membranes that attract scavenger microglia. Neurons removed safe and orderly: synapse rearrangement, cell death leads to massive rearrangement of synaptic connections, focuses output of each neurons on a smaller number of post synaptic cells thus increasingly the selectively of transmission **figure 9. 8. More connections, more function: difference in rate of making new synapses in different brain areas.