[SPE 310] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (53 pages long)

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The self arises in communication and is a multidimensional process of internalizing and acting from social perspectives. We develop a self in the process of communicating with others. This begins with family (parents, siblings, close relatives) Later we interact with peers and teachers and gain additional perspectives on our- selves. Then co-workers, supervisors, customers and clients see us as employees. We develop selves by internalizing two kinds of perspectives that are communicated to us: the perspectives of particular others and the perspectives of the generalized other. Specific people who are important to our lives. For infants and children, particular others are caregivers and family members. Family members are the first major influence on how we see ourselves. Communicate to us through direct definitions, reflected appraisals, scripts, and at- tachment styles. Communication that tells us explicitly who we are by labeling us and our behaviors. Define us by telling us who we are or we are meant to be.