[BPS 4305] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (106 pages long)

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Document Summary

Not only tangible resources but also intangible resources. Knowledge, know-how and intellectual assets all embedded in people. Human capital individual capabilities, knowledge, skills and experience. Social capital network of relationships that individuals throughout the organization. Explicit codified, documented, easily reproduced, and widely distributed. Sound recruiting approaches to attract human capital: building a pool of qualified candidates, the challenge becomes having the right job candidates, not eh greatest number of them. Networking: current employees may be the best source of new ones, provides incentives for referrals. Training and development takes place at all levels. 360 degree evaluation and feedback evaluated by everyone, not only boss: exm. suppliers, trainees, colleagues. Retention mechanism prevent transfer of valuable and sensitive info outside the org: helps employees identify with an organization"s mission and values. Friendships and working relationships among talented individuals helps tie knowledge workers to given firm. Closure how well people in our network know each other.