SOC 302 Midterm: TEST 2 REVIEW

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3 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Culture = (superior) man - (inferior) man. Philosophers began to define culture in contrast not just to nature but also to what other peoples do. Europeans declared their own superiority over native americans. Ethnocentrism: sense of taken-for-granted superiority in the context of cultural practices and attitudes. New tech and forms of business upended europeans definitions of culture at home. Matthew arnold - redefined culture as the pursuit of perfection and broad knowledge of the world in contrast to narrow self-centeredness and material gain. Material vs nonmaterial culture the ideal within the realm of the real. Nonmaterial culture: values, beliefs, behaviors, and social norms. Material culture: everything that is a part of our constructed, physical environment, *culture is what we do not notice at home but would spot in a foreign context (ex. *culture is a way of organizing our experience including technology (physical) The language we speak directly influences (and reflects) the way we think about and experience the world.