MIS 302F Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Search Engine Optimization, Organic Search, Google Trends

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Describe the metrics used in online ad campaigns. Explain how to optimize an online search marketing campaign. Google trends = a visualization tool that google has offered for free that allows us to look at what people are searching for, where, and when (valuable asset for a company to use for market research) Organic search = when people go online to search and find your website. Search engine optimization helps people find our companies better. Sponsored ads = we want our ads to show up higher in google search results. *the key words you use to conduct the search. *page load times of the items in your search results. Page impression = every time an ad pops up on your screen. Conversion = how many times was the company able to convert the ad click (site landing) into a transaction or sale. Match type (e. g. broad vs exact; standard vs advanced)