HDF 313 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Information Processing Theory, Egocentrism, Lev Vygotsky

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HDF 313 EXAM II REVIEW Fall 2017
Cognitive Development:
Sensations/ recognition/perceptions
How can infants’ sensory and perceptual development be characterized.
Sensation occurs when info interacts with sensory receptors (eyes, ears, tongue, nostrils and
Perception is the interpretation of what is sensed. (understanding what sensory receptors
stimulation means)
Recognition: answer is right there and you just have to recognize it, multiple choice
Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental theory:
(cognitive development in infancy)
Describe the process of cognitive development according to Piaget:
Piaget’s 4 stages of cognitive development
sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
What processes do children use as they construct their knowledge of the world?
assimilation: incorporation of new information into existing schemes_when children use their
existing schemes to deal with new info or experience
accommodation: adjusting schemes to fit new information and experiences
equilibration: a mechanism explaining how children shift from one stage of thought to the next
Developmental period, characteristics and main tasks of the Sensorimotor period
Sensorimotor stage lasts from birth to about 2 yrs of age, in which infants construct an
understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with motoric actions (through
senses and actions)
What are circular reactions?
= chance experience that the baby has with their body. Their body makes a discovery by
accident so they do it repeatedly. (Them kicking their legs and hitting the mobile)
-repeat over and over again
What is Object Permanence?
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=understanding that objects continue to exist, even when they can’t directly be seen, heard
or touchedmarks the end of sensorimotor.
Developmental period, characteristics of the preoperational period
What is the type of reasoning used in this period?
Preschool/early childhood (2-7yrs)
toddlers and young children acquire the ability to internally represent the world through
language and mental imagery, also begin to see the world through other's perspective.
children begin to represent the world with words, images, and drawings. They form stable
concepts and begin to reason. Their cognitive world is dominated by egocentrism and
magical beliefs.
What is Deferred imitation?
=imitation that occurs after a delay of hours or days
The beginning of symbolic thinking. Being able to reenact something you saw earlier.
Symbolic thinking: how do we see it emerge and progress?
Symbolic function substage: first substage of preoperational thought, in which the child
gains the ability to mentally represent an object that is not present (2-4yrs)
expands child’s mental world
(limitations=egocentrism, animism)
Pretend/Make-believe play (impact on areas of development)
helps with cognition development, social skills and emotional development
Animism=inanimate objects have lifelike qualities and are capable of action
Egocentrism (impact of make-believe play )
= inability to distinguish btw one’s own perspective and someone else’s perspective
Centration center on the most important info (the most impact)
Preoperational centers!
=focusing of attention on one characteristic to the exclusion of all others
Developmental period, characteristics of the concrete operational period
Elementary school kids
Logical (more than one info at a time in mind)
Reason logically as long as they can apply their reasoning to specific or concrete ex
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Document Summary

How can infants" sensory and perceptual development be characterized. Sensation occurs when info interacts with sensory receptors (eyes, ears, tongue, nostrils and skin) Perception is the interpretation of what is sensed. (understanding what sensory receptors stimulation means) Recognition: answer is right there and you just have to recognize it, multiple choice questions. Describe the process of cognitive development according to piaget: Assimilation: incorporation of new information into existing schemes_when children use their existing schemes to deal with new info or experience. Accommodation: adjusting schemes to fit new information and experiences. Equilibration: a mechanism explaining how children shift from one stage of thought to the next. Developmental period, characteristics and main tasks of the sensorimotor period. Sensorimotor stage lasts from birth to about 2 yrs of age, in which infants construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with motoric actions (through senses and actions) = chance experience that the baby has with their body.