ANT 318L Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pia Mater, Vagus Nerve, Nociceptor

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11 Sep 2017

Document Summary

Cardiac muscle is made of cardiac muscle tissue: found exclusively in the heart, where it makes up most of the heart wall. Involuntary muscle that contracts without any nervous system stimulation. Smooth muscle lines most of the passages associated with the visceral organs. Involuntary lack the strong contractions of the other muscle types: slow, sustained movement. Initial signal for muscle function is electrical nerve impulse: electrical signal activated a voltage gated channel that floods the inside of axon terminal. Differences, similarities, and interactions of graded and action potentials: graded potential, short distance, short lived, magnitude varies directly with stimulus strength, action potential, long distance, same magnitude throughout. How to explain an action potential diagram, the steps contain therein, and how action potential. A graded potential causes localized depolarization by flooding cell with sodium ions: 2. Sodium channels quickly deactivate, stop flow of sodium: 3. Potassium channels are slower to activate, begin to rush out of the cell: 4.