BIOL 190 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Punnett Square, Tas2R38, Backcrossing

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What does tas2r38 do: ability to taste a substance that makes bitter tastes. How many amino acid positions were polymorphic in humans in this gene: three. The non-taster genotype/phenotype arose via what process: via the loss-of-function mutation. What are the primary uses of a punnett square: predicting ratio of offspring with certain genotypes. What is a backcross: a backcross involves mating an f1 heterozygous with a p homozygous parent to make sure. How do we calculate probabilities of independent but linked events: probabilities of independent but linked events are determined by multiplying the likelihood of each event together. When does the observed frequency of a genotype in a group of offspring approach the values of the probabilities: as the population size approaches in nity. What is mendel"s second law, the law of independent assortment: mendel"s second law states that gene copies are assorted independently.