MUIN 270 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Time Shifting, My Sweet Lord, Digital Performance

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Similarity vs. access registration (its affect on : to prove copying did occur, it could either be access or substantial similarity. Direct access you can actually point to the access point where someone would have obtained it and indirect it could just be generally available to the public. Substantial similarity is where the comparison between the two is so striking that proving access is not necessary because it couldn"t have existed without the previous work. Statutory damages: in civil cases jury can award between -30k per each act of infringement, which includes everything, including giving things away for free. But judge can revise the jury"s final verdict and either increase it to k if it is intentional infringement or reduce it to. Injunction/enjoin: what the court tells you to do /not to do. Who can sue: any beneficial holder aka someone that benefits from the copyright even if they don"t own it.