MATH 226 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Saddle Point, Bumblebee, Smoothness

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Please indicate your instructor and lecture time below: blois. Please show all of your work and reasoning. You may use one 8. 5-by-11-inch formula sheet, written in your own handwriting on both sides. No other notes, books, calculators, electronic devices, or other memory aids are allowed for use during the test. All electronic devices, including mobile phones, must be turned o . Numerical answers should be left in calculator-ready form, unless otherwise indicated. If you need more space than what is provided, please use the back of the previous page, indicating clearly where the solution is continued. Let p be a point in the domain of a smooth function f of three variables. (a) find the gradient of f at p if all of the following is known: X the plane x + 2y z = 0 is tangent to the level surface of f going through p ;