ARLT 100g Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Teleology, Hubris, Eudaimonia

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Prince duroydhana (arjuna"s enemy) thinks that his army is unlimited. Krishna = arjuna"s charioteer (drives them into battle) Arjun then sees that duroydhana has a family as well, and he thinks of him as his cousin he decides that he does not want to fight because he doesn"t want to destroy family. Krishna then responds to arjuna by telling him he should fight because the body is separate from the soul and will come in another form (reincarnation) Krishna advocates for yoga, saying that a truly wise man is not concerned with good and bad, but from removing all attachments to the fruits of labor therefore free from ego or self. Message (as seen by haidt): you cant quit the gae of samsara, you have a role to play in the functioning of the universe and you must play that role.