PSC 116G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Levée En Masse, Power Transition Theory, Warsaw Pact

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States, non-state actors, substate actors, nation, intergovernmental organizations (igos), Empire, city-state, history of the peloponnesian war, thucydides. Feudalism, technological advances (cannon, printing press), reformation, renaissance, law of war. Peace (treaty) of westphalia, westphalian system, thirty years war, sovereignty, recognition. French revolution, napoleon, levee en masse, council of vienna, concert of europe. Triple alliance, triple entente, treaty of versailles, reparations, league of nations, collective security, isolationism. Fascism, munich crisis/agreement, appeasement, nazi-soviet non-aggression pact marshall plan, cold. Definition, dependent and independent variables, hypotheses o normative vs. explanatory theory. Anarchy, distribution of power, national interest, self-help, Balance of power, security dilemma, alliances, military buildup, rational actors, cost-benefit analysis. Power transition theory (hegemonic stability theory), hegemony o niccol machiavelli. Hierarchy, zero-sum game, reciprocity, interdependence, regime type, maximize wealth. Complex interdependence theory and its characteristics, hegemon, pluralism, hierarchy of goals. Economic classes, capital, proletariat, economic determinism, opiates of the masses, surplus value, structural power.