PSYC 170 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Egg Cell, Chromosome, Chastity Belt

104 views5 pages
25 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Keech group-claimed to hear voices, earth was ending 12/17/1954. Guardians (who warned her) will rescue the true believers right before the end, small cult seekers . When world doesn"t end->those who were most commited stayed and believed even more, those less committed leave. Cd= inconsistency b/w persons thoughts or attitudes their actions. That leads to efforts to restore consistency (resolution) Forced compliance studies: study boring, paid to say it was fun. When given dissonance, maybe study wasn"t so bad as compared to . **with a higher attitude change, just need sufficient pressure or justification for dissonance. Public action important -> no dissonance when justified by larger amount of money. Learning theorists: reward norm consistent behavior, punish non-norm. Others worry children would learn to fear punisher, not behavior. Produce a hobbesian actor who only behaves when punisher is around. Experiment: kids play with 5 toys, experimenter determined second favorite toy.