HIST 137 Study Guide - Final Guide: Exchange Rate, Currency Crisis, Union For The Mediterranean

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20 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Compare the politics of human rights in the 1940s to human rights in and after the. Compare the league of nations to the un. Compare the bretton woods system with various development and modernization efforts after world war ii. Similarities: springs from similar situation destruction, unemployment, currency crises (just europe vs. third world) Implementation strategy: international financial system, was more about cooperation to ensure stability--morgenthau, bilateral action, specific interests of specific states (pessimistic version) or maybe specific states that internalized human rights norms. Initial target states: development was specifically aimed at the tw, bw institutions actually target europe (wb) and overall financial stability. Conclusion: wb ends up being a development agency anyways. It(cid:495)s the policy document itself: carrots allocate resources to countries that respect this. Analyze the historical origins and beginnings of european integration. Conclusion: exchange rate stability, gets rid of different monetary policy in different member states, single european act, maastricht, natural next steps in economic integration currency.