CIS 110 Midterm: CIS 110 UPenn cis110 13su Exam1

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My signature below certi es that i have complied with the university of pennsylvania"s code of academic integrity in completing this examination. Cis 110 exam instructions: you have 115 minutes to nish this exam. Time will begin when called by a proctor and end precisely 120 minutes after that time. If you continue writing after the time is called, you will receive a zero for the exam: make sure your phone is turned o before the exam starts. If a page becomes loose, write your name on it and use the provided staplers to reattach the sheet when you turn in your exam so that we don"t lose it. We reserve the right not to grade any answers on loose sheets of paper: turn in all scratch paper that you use during the exam. Clearly indicate on the question page where the graders can nd the remainder of your work (e. g. back of page or on extra sheet ).