PSY 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Default Mode Network, Thought Suppression, Charlotte Selver

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Consciousness: person"s subjective experience of the world and the mind: awareness of one"s surroundings and what"s on one"s mind, awake and aware. Phenomenology: how things seem to the conscious person. Problem of other minds: fundamental dif culty we have in perceiving the consciousness of others. Minimal consciousness: low level kind of sensory awareness and responsiveness, occurs when mind inputs sensations and may output behavior (ex. intoxication) Full consciousness: you know and can report your natural state. Self consciousness: distinct level where person"s attention is drawn to the self as. Default mode network: widespread pattern of brain activation during daydreaming. Mental control: attempt to change conscious states of mind: ironic processes of mental control: mental processes can produce ironic errors because monitoring for errors can itself produce them. Thought suppression: conscious avoidance of a thought: rebound effect of thought suppression: tendency of a thought to return to consciousness with greater frequency following repression.