ARTH 203 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Vanishing Point, Kinetic Art, Complementary Colors

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29 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Figure-ground relationships allows us to sort out and interpret what we see: shifts awareness. Known as ground or negative shapes : purity or saturation of a color. Intensity: higher saturation = bolder hue/color, figure ground reversal. Figure-ground reversal as our awareness shifts, the use of positive and negative space trade places as the focal points of the piece. M. c escher, sky and water, 1938 (black and white fish and geese: rafaels; the school of athens. Illusion 3d world on 2d surface, how it happens. Invented a grand architectural setting in the renaissance style to provide an appropriate space. Attention is pulled right through the painted setting into implied infinite space. Linear perspective vanishing point one point linear perspective: the reason why they stone is red iron content, also why blood is red, calder mobile = kinetic art. Kinetic = moving: 2d artist create volume and light by using implied light, good art keeps you _____