ANTH 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bourgeoisie, Melanin, Consanguinity

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2 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Race - a flawed system of classification, with no biological basis, that uses certain physical characteristics to divide the human population into supposedly discrete groups. Racism - individual thoughts and actions and institutional patterns and policies that create unequal access to power, resources, and opportunities based on imagined differences among groups. Genotype - the inherited genetic factors that provide framework for an organism"s physical form. Phenotype - the way genes are expressed in an organism"s physical form as a result of genotype interaction with environmental factors. Misconception - a demeaning historical term for interracial marriage. White supremacy - the belief that whites are biologically different and superior to people of other races. Whiteness - a culturally constructed concept originating in 1691 virginia designed to establish to clear boundaries of who is white and who is not, a process central to the formation of u. s. racial stratification.