PHIL 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Incompatibilism, Moral Responsibility, Determinism

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T/f: libertarianism says that free will and determinism and compatible. T/f: hard incompatibilism says that there is no free will of the kind necessary for. T/f: determinism is incompatible with the existence of choice. T/f: the principle of alternate possibilities denies that responsibility requires that. 2. one could have done otherwise: false. The source requirement says that: we have free will, moral responsibility depends on being able to do otherwise, control is irrelevant to moral responsibility, responsibility for a choice requires that one be the appropriate source of the choice. Determinism says that: we cannot make any choices, our choices are not causally effective, the state of subject, plus the laws of nature, necessitate the future states of the subject, we are free. If indeterminism is true then we have free will. Leeway incompatibilism says that: true, false, determinism is false, determinism is true. If determinism is true then one could not do otherwise than one does.