PSYC 225 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sound Localization, Calcification, Inner Ear

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Binocular cues: (help you judge how far two things are because you have two eyes) ): the object is so close that the two images from out two eyes don"t combine as they usually would (ex: floating finger) ): focusing of lens; the lens changes in shape for us to see more clearly. ): change in direction: when moving, it appears that close things move in opposite direction and faster than things far way, which move slowly or are stable (like when you are driving); helps with deciphering distance. ): close objects move more (like when you are moving your head) ): if you know the size of something, you can determine distance from that (ex: if someone is small you know they are far because you know how tall they really are) ): we assume the object that is covered by the other object is further away. ): we assume closer when we can see more detail.